October 2007

And Now a Word from Our Allies

Tonight begins the first of Seven Straight Nights for Civil Rights, a coordinated campaign of overnight vigils led by straight allies across the nation who will “come out” as supporters of equal rights for LGBT Americans. Atticus Circle and Soulforce are organizing the events, important opportunities to show that support for LGBT rights extends beyond […]

Weekly Political Roundup

There’s no ENDA news about ENDA, which means I still have lots of fodder for bad puns. The latest is that Lambda Legal has put out a statement (PDF link) in response to Representative Barney Frank’s (D-MA) criticism of Lambda’s analysis of the revised ENDA (Employment Non-Discrimination Act). Among other things, they say Frank minimized

Eat, Drink, and Be Worried

A few items of note: Drink milk. Overall, children in the U.S. are not consuming the recommended amount of dairy products, and the ones they do consume are too high in fat. Eat fish. New recommendations from 14 physicians and a number of leading professional and governmental groups say pregnant and breast-feeding women should eat

Guest Post: Checking Assumptions

A second guest post by Mary W. Foulk, a writer, new mom, and lesbian film critic, whose work has appeared at Lesbian Life, among other places. Last Sunday, Alyson and I attended a friend’s birthday party. Prior to the event, I found myself really anxious about going. My concern—that we would be the only gay

Book Review: grl2grl

Tales for Teens and Those Who Have Been Julie Anne Peters’s novel Between Mom and Jo, about a boy whose moms are breaking up, won last year’s Lambda Literary Award in the Children’s/Young Adult category. In her latest work, grl2grl: short fictions (Little, Brown) she shows us her skill with a shorter form. The 10

Rainbow Family Camp in November

For most of us in colder climes, camping season is drawing to a close. If you’re lucky enough to live near or be visiting Los Angeles, however, you have the opportunity not only to eat freshly roasted marshmallows in November, but to do so in the company of other LGBT families. The L.A. Gay and

CHIPping Away at Our Families

It’s disappointing, but not surprising, that President Bush vetoed a bipartisan bill to expand the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). There’s lots of coverage about this in the mainstream press right now. Jennifer Vanasco of Visible Vote ’08, however, makes the excellent point: The news is especially bad for gay parents. Why? Well, The National

Signs of Progress

There’s always a first time. I was with my son at his school playground last week, taking advantage of the unseasonably warm weather to hang with the other parents and kids at the end of the day. My son wandered over to the sandbox, where another boy his age was playing. They introduced themselves in

First Gay Man to Have a Heavenly Body

Now there’s a headline I never thought I’d be writing on this site. I wanted to note, however, that George Takei, aka Star Trek’s Hikaru Sulu, now has an asteroid named after him. This makes him perhaps the first out gay man (or out LGBT person, for that matter) to be given such an honor

Book Review: BOB Books – Set 1

The BOB Books, by Bobby Lynn Maslen, is a series for beginning readers originally published in the 1970’s. Unlike other early primers such as the Dick and Jane books, however, these seem as fresh today as when they first appeared. Part of the reason for this is that the stories are extremely simple. “Mat Sat.

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