Last-Minute Gift Ideas

PresentsYes, we’re parents, and we’re busy. That’s reason enough to be stuck with last-minute shopping. Here are a few ideas to get you through. I’ve stuck with gifts for grown-ups (though some may work for kids, too), since children have usually told us way in advance what they want, and any parent celebrating Christmas who hasn’t already gotten presents for the young ones is in way more trouble than I can solve here.

  • Gift certificates to Amazon or other online merchant of your choice. They will e-mail the recipient all they need. (Be warned, however, that Amazon (among others) will send the e-mails within 15 minutes of your order—so don’t buy too early if you want them to arrive on Christmas day. If you send the certificate with an e-card, you can specify the arrival day in advance, but cannot choose the time.)
  • Homemade certificates for a nice dinner, or a night off, or the like. A little clip art and a color printer, and you’ll have an updated version of a classic I used to make for my mom when I was a kid.
  • Baked goods. When in doubt, make a batch of cookies. This may not work for significant others or children expecting toys, but may do the trick with friends and more distant relatives.
  • A “food of the month club” membership, e.g., from Peet’s Coffee & Tea or Artisanal Premium Cheese. Go to the supermarket, purchase one of the items to wrap, and don’t worry if the rest takes a few weeks to get started. (Yes, this still means getting out of the house to shop, but at least it’s not the mall.)
  • Magazine subscriptions. As with the food clubs, buy one copy to wrap and give, and let the rest arrive when they will.
  • Champagne and a bubble bath. For significant others only.

Any other suggestions?

3 thoughts on “Last-Minute Gift Ideas”

  1. I think any kind of food works really well as a last-minute-gift. Especially items that you wouldn’t necessarily buy every day like chevre, fancy jams (my favorite is Dalbour’s currant jam), and tapenade. Even though these are expensive grocery items, the total cost of a basket of these items might still be less than shelling out for some cute hat and scarf set from Icelandic Designs.

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