Harlyn Aizley, author of Buying Dad and editor of Confessions of the Other Mother
, both books that deserve a place on any lesbian mom’s bookshelf, will no longer be writing her Are You My Mothers? blog for Parents.com. She was fired by Parents.com’s parent company, Meredith Corporation, ostensibly because her blog did not generate enough traffic. Aizley gives us her own take on the numbers, and also suggests that more than numbers were at work (as does fellow writer Sara Whitman). Business decision or a case of cold feet by a mainstream publication that had gone out on a limb bringing a lesbian mom on board?
I’d love Parents.com to bring Aizley back, if she’d even speak to them after this rebuff. If not, I look forward to reading her elsewhere. (One additional benefit of a new home: an RSS feed, which Parents.com does not offer for their blogs. That always made me doubt their commitment to this whole blogging business in the first place.) For the moment, Aizley will be posting on the Family Equality blog, where I have also been asked to be a guest blogger. Welcome, Harlyn! I’m glad you’ll be joining us, though I wish it were under happier circumstances.