Iowa Ha Ha

It’s the eve of the Iowa Caucuses. I can’t believe this is the first electoral event of the 2008 campaign, which seems like it’s been going on forever now. Rather than add to the flood of commentary, I decided instead to offer the Capitol Steps’ take on our partisan nation, “Super Zealous Radicals”:

More specific to the LGBT community (in an unfortunate kind of way) is their tribute to Larry Craig, “Tap Three Times” (after the jump).

CNN’s Presidential Pong is also amusing for a round or two.

Will you be glued to CNN tomorrow or disconnect so you don’t have to hear all the talking heads?

1 thought on “Iowa Ha Ha”

  1. Did anyone catch the MSNBC coverage? Rachel Maddow – out lesbian radio commentator – was one of their 4 analysts. At the table with her was Pat Buchanan, Gene Robinson… not only great to see a woman, but a lesbian to boot!

    congrats to rachel… made the coverage worth watching

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