January 2008

Weekly Political Roundup

The Iowa Caucuses were last night, as most of you in the U.S. are well aware. Lisa Keen has an LGBT take on them at Bay Windows, and Visible Vote has a number of posts covering the event. The California Supreme Court rejected an appeal to deny domestic partners in California the same property tax […]

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode Nine

In this edition of our weekly video blog, brought to you in partnership with After Ellen, Helen and I look at the low-tech but still entertaining world of board games. We review two brand-spanking new kids’ games from Cranium, including one that works for all types of family configurations. We also recommend a bevy of

Iowa Ha Ha

It’s the eve of the Iowa Caucuses. I can’t believe this is the first electoral event of the 2008 campaign, which seems like it’s been going on forever now. Rather than add to the flood of commentary, I decided instead to offer the Capitol Steps’ take on our partisan nation, “Super Zealous Radicals”: More specific

Post-Holiday Haiku

I’ll start the year on a light note, with a bit of post-season haiku: Spouse is back to work Son is still awash in toys Legos underfoot And reflecting on some of the year-end political news: Oregon waylaid New Hampshire civilized now Trip to Uruguay? Feel free to leave your own contributions in the comments.

Uniting and Dividing

Many LGBT residents of New Hampshire are starting the new year off right by uniting under the state’s new civil union law. The Granite State is the first to pass the law without legal challenge, as Seacoast Online notes. That’s progress, much as many of us still hope for full marriage. All of New England

Happy New Year!

All the best for the new year to all of you and your families! (‘Fess up now, those of you with infants and toddlers: How many of you dressed them as Baby New Year yesterday, if only so you could send the photo to relatives? I’ll admit to doing so when my son was still

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