February 2008

Awesome Oscar Moment for Freeheld

OK, this could be possibly the most awesome moment I’ve seen at the Academy Awards in a long time. Freeheld, the documentary about New Jersey police Lt. Laurel Hester’s fight to receive pension benefits for her partner, Stacie Andree, when Hester was diagnosed with terminal cancer, won the Oscar for Best Documentary Short Subject. It […]

Help Win Marriage Equality in California

Passing along this request from Lambda Legal. They’re looking for gay and lesbian couples in California willing to be contacted by the media the day of oral arguments in the California marriage case (scheduled for March 4). They want couples in all media markets, and note that you would not have to do anything or

Weekly Political Roundup

Could gay superdelegates make the difference in the Democratic presidential nomination? Writer Lisa Keen explains why, and also looks at how ordinary LGBT voters may have an impact on the race. A long piece, but a good overview of the situation. The U.S. State Department lifted the ban on hiring people with HIV to be

How Would You Teach Tolerance?

After 15-year-old Lawrence King was shot to death by a fellow student because he was gay, California Assemblyman Mike Eng proposed a new bill to “establish school diversity and sensitivity training to help prevent such tragedies in the future.” According to Gay Wired, “The new bill would require mandatory classes on diversity and tolerance in

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 16

Helen and I start our vlog this week by explaining the difference between parenthood and lesbian Turkish oil wrestling. Our main topic, however, is storytelling. We discuss the surreal and whimsical works of Caldecott-winning author David Wiesner, which force parents to become storytellers, and recommend a book featuring a boy with two moms that celebrates

Oh, You Mean They’re Having Kids, Too?

Oregon moms Sally Sparks and Heather Dugas had their second child on February 10, 2008, six days after they registered as domestic partners under the state’s new law. At the hospital, however, they ran into administrative complications. The clerk did not put Dugas, the non-biological mom, on the birth certificate, but instead gave her a

Today Show Features Boy with Two Dads

NBC’s Today Show ran a piece Monday featuring an eleven-year-old boy with two dads. It’s one of few mainstream stories in which we hear the perspective of the child him- or herself. It’s also exceptional in that it shows a divorced family; Henry’s dads broke up after they adopted him. Henry is doing well, however,

Show Your Kids the Lunar Eclipse Tonight

If you can keep your kids up till 10:01 p.m. EST tonight (and still maintain their sanity and yours tomorrow), you can share with them the rare occurrence of a total lunar eclipse, the last one until December 2010. Both Sky and Telescope and NASA have details on the event, which should be visible in

That Pesky Penguin

Yet another school district has made a fuss over And Tango Makes Three, the book about the chick hatched by two male penguins, and the American Library Association’s Most Challenged Book of 2006. The school superintendent of Loudoun County, Virginia, has instructed county elementary schools to take the book out of general circulation and move

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