Looks like the Loudoun County, Virginia school superintendent’s backpedaling over And Tango Makes Three
was in the right direction. According to the Washington Post:
On Monday, school officials issued a written statement saying that the book also would return to the shelves at Sugarland [Elementary School] because [Superintendent] Hatrick had discovered “significant procedural errors” in the way the case was handled.
The most notable error, officials said, is that the parent who challenged the book has children in Loudoun schools but not at Sugarland and, therefore, did not have standing to request that a book be removed from that school’s library.
A school board committee is now considering a proposal that the board must be told within 15 days of any decision to remove a book from school libraries, and any three board members could opt to form a review panel, which would have the final say.
Thanks to Box Turtle Bulletin and reader Jen who each brought me up to date on this. Jen notes in her comment, however, “Sadly, rumor has it that some other area schools and principals have pulled the book preemptively in response. *That* hasn’t made the papers, unfortunately.” Let’s hope Timothy Kincaid at Box Turtle is right when he says “if you cater to the screeching of the anti-gay flock, you can end up with egg on your face.”