March 2008

Marriage Is Not the Answer

Slate’s Emily Yoffe this week opined that “out-of-wedlock births are a national catastrophe” and marriage is the solution to childhood poverty and economic growth. Lauren Bruce at Offsprung has already taken her to task for her assertions, and notes that gay families are out of luck in Yoffe’s scenario. I’d like to add a bit […]

La Leche Leaves Out Lesbians

I’m all for breastfeeding. My partner breastfed our son. While its health benefits may still be argued by some, I take the general approach that natural is usually best. At the same time, I fiercely defend a woman’s right to make the decision about whether to breastfeed and for how long. The question has too

ESPN Tackles Sexual Orientation Bias

ESPN’s Outside the Lines show this Sunday tackles the topic of negative recruiting and perceived sexual orientation. My son is far from college age, and I have no idea if he’ll turn out to be an athlete, but I have to wonder how the fact of his two moms would play in a recruiter’s mind.

Weekly Political Update

A new advocacy group, tentatively named the LGBT Foreign Policy Project, is asking the U.S. State Department for greater action and involvement in addressing the LGBT-rights issues mentioned in the department’s annual report. AIDS counselor Jason Hair-Wynn recently applied for a new passport so he could go to Africa and use his expertise. The U.S.

My Life In Six Words

I’ve been tagged by the talented Harlyn Aizley, who blogs at Are You My Mothers, to write a memoir of my life in six words or fewer, mention my tagger, and then tag five others. Let’s see: Not what I expected. A somewhat wordier recap: astronomy student, medieval historian, dotcom boomster, marketing executive at a

Bi-Partisan Hypocrisy

From New York magazine’s March 24 article on Eliot Spitzer: One local $1,000 girl known for a thoroughgoing reading of the Times op-ed page said she knew right away it was a Democratic sex scandal, “because if it was a Republican the hookers would have been guys.”

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 20

This week, Helen and I show you why parenting is as much fun as a barrel of monkeys, literally. We congratulate a pair of lesbian moms for their prodigious fallopian feats, commend Kenneth Cole for recognizing lesbian moms, and turn a parent’s eye to the last two episodes of The L Word. (Imagine Bette trying

“America’s Favorite Mom” Wants LGBT Nominees

Last week, I urged readers to nominate their favorite LGBT moms for the title of “America’s Favorite Mom” in Teleflora’s Mother’s Day contest. I thought it would be a good opportunity for visibility. Two days after my post, I received an e-mail from a publicist at Edelman, Teleflora’s PR agency. She thanked me for helping

Cold Spell

We’ve been beset with colds here at the House of Mombian, thanks to the petri dish that is our son’s preschool class. Whenever he comes home with a sniffle, I start popping the vitamin C in the vain hope it will slow the oncoming train bearing down on my sinuses. Enough strained metaphors; it’s time

Survival of the Tolerant

“Gay” is the number-one insult among schoolchildren, reports the BBC, although most use it to mean “lame,” without any intended reference to sexual orientation. The article charts how the meaning of the word has changed over the years (remember when it used to mean “happy” or “festive”?), and notes “This mutation of the word is

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