If you missed Quads with Two Moms, the Discovery Health show I mentioned yesterday, you can catch it again June 14 at 2 p.m. Eastern and July 6 at 12 p.m. and 4 p.m.
Here’s my quick take: It’s a good documentary, although the whizzy graphics and zippy scene cuts at the beginning struck me as a little silly. Fortunately, they don’t continue through the whole film. The filmmaker, Shannon O’Rourke, gets high marks, too, for not dwelling on overdone points like the search for sperm, though she does touch on it. Instead, her focus is on the women’s preparations for having their babies, their dual c-sections (in separate hospitals because of separate insurance), and the struggle of one of their preemie babies to breathe on his own. She has the women speak a little about the difficulties they and their children will face as a lesbian-headed family. What’s striking about the film, however, is that it is the fact of four babies that stands out more than the fact of the mothers’ gender.
Again, here is the Discovery Viewer Relations page so you can send them a note of support for airing the show.
I want to congratulate the ladies on the birth of their children. They both seem like level headed ladies. I do believe they will give all their children an excellent life. I believe we all have the right to find love. The gender a partner should have no bearing on the validity of their love. I have been married to my husband for 18 years and have 3 kids. Congratulations again.
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I am one of the 2 moms of the quads. I thank you for you for the nice comments. I googled ‘Quads with 2 Moms’ just to see what people had thought of the show and came across this website. What a great website where people with a common interest can find resources, get information and talk to others!! Thank you! I will be visiting as often as one can while taking care of 4 babies!!
Karen–My partner and I watched the show and thought you two were an amazing couple. After 10 years together we decided to have our first child….I noticed a similarity between our donor and yours….If you haven’t checked it out, you may want to look into the donor sibling registry. Our group also communicates via a yahoo group. We haven’t decided how involved we want to be (meeting other families, etc.) but we think its important for our children to have the option in the future.
Wishing you and your family the best!
Rachel, Thank you very much… and thanks for the information on the donor sibling registry. I just looked at the site tonight. You don’t really think about how many 1/2 brothers and sisters may exist. It’s amazing…our donor had quite a few people registered. I think we are going to join as well. What is your group through yahoo?
I noticed the boys names begin with an A and the girls names begin with an S. Was that intentional? I recorded the program and keep watching over and over. I love babies – they are just beautiful. You looked like you fighting back tears when talking on the phone with Martha after you delivered. I felt bad for you that you couldn’t be with the one you love and such a wonderful time. Congrats on the babies and for telling your story.
Pat, so it takes so long to reply. Once we named one of the boys and one of the girls, we decided to name the others with a similar name. We came up with Andrew and Sienna first…then the names Alex and Sofia followed. So yes we stuck with the first letter. And yes it was difficult to be apart and I was near tears on the phone…and many other times :). Thank you for the very nice comments. The babies are all crawling and trying to get into everything!!! We are just so happy that they are all doing well
I wanted to thank you for sharing your story. My partner and I have been together for 18 years and we just had our third girl on St. Patrick’s Day of this year. We have a 10 year old, a 6 year old and now a 5 month old. We also live in the Midwest and are optimistic that our children will not encounter the hatred that exists in other parts of the country and the world for that matter. I’m sure that you are very busy with the little ones with full-time jobs and then another full-time job waiting when you get home. I know that it can be very hectic. My partner and I also work opposite shifts so the kids are not in daycare, I am also working on my PhD so it sometimes becomes very difficult to fit it into one day. I can not imagine having multiples and commend you both. Just remember to take time for yourselves and each other.
Thanks Michelle…Martha is also working on her RN as she is currently an LVN. It is really difficult to juggle it all, but somehow it gets done. It’s hard to believe we are coming up on their first birthday in September. Sometimes I’m not sure how we’ve survived this year. Nights are particularly hard. They all wake up many time throughout the night!! Thank goodness for the support of our family and friends. Sounds like you have a wonderful family…. 18 years and 3 kids!!! Good luck on finishing your PhD.
Hi Karen, it is just me again. Wondering how the kids are doing. Teething, drooling, crawling, trying to stand, pulling on their ears and all that goes with 11-month olds. How is Andrew’s health specifically? Is he also still “so hairy”? I bet your families are having a ball with them. I sure would. Is Martha finished with school? I am a CMA, not sure what kind of nurse an LVN is. I live on the East Coast and don’t recognize that speciality. I’ll have to ask my nurse friends. Aside of next month, this month is also a very special month for you and Martha. Hope you had a chance to celebrate it. Take care.
Hi Pat,
Kids are becoming very active. They crawl all over the place, pull to stand, and cruise along the furniture. It gets crazy sometimes. At times they play well together…other times they bite, hit and pull on each other. Andrew is doing well. A teacher comes out 2 times a week to work with him. He keeps up with all the others!! Alex has a head full of hair, but has lost his facial and body hair. :) You can see current pictures of them in an article in the “Daily Mail Online”. It’s a UK publication. “People” Magazine is also doing an interview next weekend. It will come out in the beginning of next month. It’s hard to believe that they are almost 1 year old. Time has gone so fast!!
Karen, thank you { : – )
Hi Karen! I was hoping to find some way of contacting you. We were friends about 10 years ago. A couple months ago, I got back in contact with Rose and was hoping to contact you. Then a week later, I saw the documentary on Discovery. Congratulations! I am so glad to see you so happy. I am the mother of twin boys and know how busy you must be. Hope that maybe someday we all can get together. Take care!
Do you know the People issue date? Is it the one with Ellen & Portia? I missed buying that one because I was on vacation in Canada. Saw the UK article. Those kids are just as adorable as when they were born. You and Martha are very blessed. Sorry to be so annoying, but this is such a great story and I am just fascinated by the extreme rarity of it all: and that Martha didn’t think twice about doing this for you makes this a great love story, as well.
Hi Pat,
The People issue was postponed… it will probably come out in the beginning of October. I’ll keep you posted. I think Nicole Richie will be on the cover with her baby. It might be an issue with a lot of baby stories. My e-mail address is Kw******@ao*.com. Feel free to email me anytime. Martha is an amazing woman. Already having a child of her own…she thought she was done. She didn’t think twice when I brought up having a child together and was even encouraging. Thanks for you interest in the story.
Incredible!!! I would love to get together with you all. My email as I wrote above is Kw******@ao*.com. We are crazy busy!! The babies were in swimming lessons in the summer at the YMCA. I drove past your parents house each time and thought of you often. Congratulations on your twins. Tell me more!
Hi. My partner, spouse-well we got married in CA when it was still legal, and I just had our first baby. We were wondering how the quads and moms were doing. How did you ever handled the feedings? I am about to try for the sixth time, IUI, with my eggs to get pregnant. It only took my partner twice using IUI to become pregnant.
We would love an update about the quads with two moms. Congrats to everyone else on their bundles of joy!!
Hi Tiffany- The quads are doing very well. They are nearly 19 months old. They are running, jumping, and climbing. It’s easier in that they can entertain themselves a little more. But it can be exhausting too. They are very curious and get into just about everything!! Of course they always want what the other one has, so they fight quite a bit too. We try to get them out of the house everday. They love the park!! We breast fed for the first year. That was one of the most difficult parts of having 4. After 6 months we supplemented at night only with formula. Glad that part is over! Best wishes for you and your family. Good luck with the IUI!
Karen, I just saw the show for the first time and was amazed! What a blessing for both you and Martha to both have twins! As I was watching the show I kept thinking that looks like Riverside (where I live) and sure enough it was. Are you still in Riverside? Usually there is an article in the Press about local people on reality shows, but I never saw an article about your show. How are the quads now? I have a 5 year old and a 6 month old. At times I am overwhelmed! I couldn’t imagine having 4 the same age! Next time I am overwhlemed, I will think of you and Martha! Take care and glad to read that things are going well for your family!
Yes we still live in Riverside. I was born and raised here and my family still lives in Riverside as well. The kids are doing well. The finished aquatic survival lessons (hard core swimming lessons for infants/toddlers) They can swim underwater and float on their back when they need air…it’s amazing. We took our first trip to the zoo and Legoland. It was work but it was a lot of fun too. They will turn 2 next month!! Best wishes for you and your family!
I really loved the show. I think the babies are beautiful and so are both of you. I wish you both all the best and happiness!!
Thank you Louisa. That’s a really nice comment. Believe me… we read many not so nice comments as well as positive ones. It’s always great to hear the nice comments!!
saw the show loved it. read the magazine article. loved it. while traveling had magazine and some woman made a rude comment at the airport-another woman leaned over-told her off with much respect and received an applause. found out she was a pastor. that amazed me. some people hurt while others heal. hope there will be a follow up show.
Hey, Karen: Please let me know if this is none of my business. I assume you needed to formally adopt Alex and Sophia and that Martha needed to adopt Andrew and Sienna. Legally, were you considered a surrogate of the kids you carried? Did you also have to formally adopt Andrew and Sienna? I’m fascinated in all the legalities involved in this wonderful situation. (I’m a little surprised that this wasn’t addressed in the People issue.) Thanks, Sarah
Thank you Eve and Sarah. Martha and I were both listed on the birth certificates at the time the kids were born. But just to make sure that there were no loopholes we also went through the court system and formally adopted each others kids. I did not have to adopt Andrew and Sienna since I was their birth mother.
I SO appreciate your kindness, honesty and candidness. I hope you, Martha and the kids have not been hit by the flu. Our kids are on their second go-around and it’s only November!
Thanks for answering my question. I may have more in the future.
Bless you all,
PS: Where can we follow along with the kids’ developments? I’m very interested in follow-up shows or magazine articles, in case anyone asks you.
Love your story. Do you believe in God and how will you explain to your children about having two moms? So many churches, priests and pastors have hurt us. I want to raise our children with God. Do you have any associations with someone
to share with? I know some churches are affriming- I am looking more for someone to talk with.. Thank you for your openness to share.
Hi… Sarah, there are no follow up shows or magazine articles at this point. There was some interest by Discovery Health for a follow up show several months back, but nothing ever panned out. Lule… I do believe in God. Martha and I were both raised Catholic. We would like the children raised with religion. I think it’s important. We have found an affirming church where we live and will probably join that one. The kids are just a little young to bring them right now. Kind of wild and crazy!!
Thank you for your answer. I was raised in a Christian home yet rejected by my family. I live in Florida and so desire a church and pastor that will guide me. I hope I can find one like you. Do you know of any churches in the florida area?
I am too embarassed to ask people. I have visitied a few, just not happy with their style.
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I was so touched by the whole story. You two have the strength, love, level headedness, and an entire level of dedication I can only imagine and hope to emulate. The whirlwind of your lives makes ME yawn. I think anyone who feels the need to judge fails to take into consideration the many many people who are unprepared and unwilling to give their kids the type of life that you two give yours. You have your lives on the right track and seem to face challenges with vigor. I admire you both and wish you the best. Those babies will revel in your strength and thank you one day.