June 2008

TV Alert: “Quads with Two Moms” Tonight

Thanks to Terrance at Republic of T for his serendipitous sighting of an ad for Quads with Two Moms, which will air tonight at 8 p.m. Eastern on Discovery Health as part of their Baby Week coverage. I wrote back in March about another lesbian couple who had quads. In that story, one woman carried […]

Trans Parent, Gay Son: Pride Across the Generations

(Originally published in my newspaper column.) “There’s a huge difference between being gay and being trans,” affirms LGBT activist and parent Marti Abernathey. Many would agree, but Abernathey has a rare perspective: she is transgender and has a gay son. Despite their differences, though, she feels they share a certain bond: “In the whole coming

Virginia Upholds Non-Bio Lesbian Mom’s Rights

The Virginia Supreme Court ruled today that the state must enforce a Vermont court order awarding child-visitation rights to Janet Jenkins, a non-biological lesbian mom locked in a custody battle with her former partner, Lisa Miller. The Court rejected Miller’s claim that Virginia law and a state constitutional amendment against same-sex unions (including ones from

Weekly Political Roundup

Posting this a tad early this week; I’ll catch late Friday news next week. Happy weekend! Reps. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Barney Frank (D-MA) announced the formation of the bipartisan House of Representatives LGBT Equality Caucus, with the goal of promoting LGBT equality. One of the architect’s of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” Senator Sam Nunn,

Action Alert: Tivo Teams with Focus on the Family for Father’s Day?

[Updated with new information: 4:05 p.m.] Love your Tivo? Then tell them to stop working with with ultra-conservative group Focus on the Family (FOF). Yes, that’s right: FOF has partnered with Tivo to bring FOF members special offers. FOF is also holding a Father’s Day “SuperDad” essay contest (http://www.family.org/fathersday/) with Tivo boxes and service as

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 31

Helen and I discuss the DVD release of Meema Spadola’s award-winning Our House: Kids of Gay and Lesbian Parents, which profiles the pre-teen and teen children of five lesbian and gay families. We also share two funny anecdotes about trying to explain marriage and family creation to a preschooler. Finally, in honor of Pride Month,

Words from Our Children: Blogging for LGBT Families Day

I was pleased to see many grown children of LGBT parents participating in Blogging for LGBT Families Day. Here are some of their words: Abigail Garner of Damn Straight, who spent many years as a full-time advocate for children of LGBT families, writes of the recent difficulties she had when her new employer “discovered” her

Blogging for LGBT Families Day: Best Timing

I’m reading my way through the Blogging for LGBT Families posts, and am once again awed by the strength and diversity of our community. Many thanks to all of you who participated. I’ll be doing a few posts in the next week or so highlighting and contrasting some of the contributions, or suggesting some emerging

Blogging for LGBT Families Day: Still Accepting Posts

Did you wake up this morning and suddenly realize you had forgotten Blogging for LGBT Families Day yesterday? Was your child sick or did he or she require an emergency batch of cupcakes at school for an end-of-year party? Did you have a non-child-related emergency? Never fear—I’m still accepting contributions through today. Call it a

Songs for Special Places from Erin Lee and Marci

Children’s musicians Erin Lee and Marci bring us the next of their regular posts with thematic recommendations for kid-friendly music, plus activities to make the songs an interactive experience for the whole family. Look for Erin Lee and Marci here at their regular time, on the first Monday of each month, or visit their homepage,

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