Olympic Thread

The Olympics start this Friday. It’s the one time when we have the TV on ’round the clock here. There’s nothing I won’t watch, and I have a particular fondness for the sports that aren’t often televised.

I thought I’d start a thread for folks to offer their thoughts on any or all of the following questions:

  1. Favorite Olympic sport
  2. Sport you wish was in the Olympics, but isn’t
  3. Favorite Olympian, past or present
  4. Sports your child or children have tried (or play seriously, depending on age)

My own answers: 1. Fencing and taekwondo, both of which I’ve done competitively (though not anywhere near the Olympic level); 2. The playground obstacle course; 3. Hard to pick just one all-time fave, but I’ve got my eye on Dara Torres this year; 4. Soccer, tennis, basketball, baseball, cycling, swimming, dodgeball, running, climbing, furniture jumping—the preschool decathlon. Right now, he’s dabbling in everything, and it’s wonderful.

2 thoughts on “Olympic Thread”

  1. 1. Judo but it’s never televised, I can catch it online if I can stay up until 2:30am…not likely
    2.Rugby or cricket, I know next to nothing about either but would like to know more
    3. Florence Griffith Joyner
    4.Soccer, swimming, climbing on playground equipment

  2. Great question. I’ve been thinking about the Olympics a lot this week. It’s a big water cooler topic at my office. We don’t watch any television at our house either. The kid watch videos and I have a list of YouTube favorites that they enjoy sometimes. When I was a kid, I found the Olympics very inspiring so I’m planning to let the girls watch some of it if they’re interested. Since they’re taking swim lessons this summer, I will start with that.

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