
It’s convention season here in the U.S. The Democrats are having a party this week, with the Republicans to follow. I haven’t been covering the blow-by-blow, since the LGBT bloggers at Bilerico and Pam’s House Blend have been doing so with gusto, and with people actually at the convention to report first hand. Bay Windows is also publishing a series of on-the-spot reports by veteran journalist Lisa Keen. (Here are her Day 1 and Day 2 stories.)

I think it’s a tremendous sign of progress that Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) mentioned the gay community in a prime-time speech, saying: “Barack Obama will close the book on the old politics of race against race, gender against gender, group against group, and straight against gay.” A passing reference, perhaps, but still a significant one. On a less televised but still important note, Michelle Obama attended the LGBT luncheon at the Convention. (As I understand it, her husband isn’t even there yet, so it’s not a matter of us getting the spouse while others got the candidate. She is in many ways his closest surrogate at the moment.)

I wonder, though, how many people outside the realm of political junkies are really following the convention antics? Hence this week’s poll:


3 thoughts on “Conventionitis”

  1. I’m not a very careful reader — I voted before noticing the bit about “other than political junkies.” Although I haven’t been watching full coverage, I do consider myself a junkie.

  2. Bill Clinton also mentioned sexual orientation, in a list of “diversity” groups (race, class, etc.) in his speech. At the very least, the politicians see LGBT folks as a demographic to be noticed and reckoned with.

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