August 2008

I’m Speaking at BlogHer Boston

I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be speaking at BlogHer Boston, part of the BlogHer series of conferences for and about women bloggers, on October 11. Founder Elisa Camahort was kind enough to invite me to speak at the Closing Keynote, “Change Your Future; Change the World.” That sounds like the tagline for a Terminator […]

Weekly Political Roundup

A Zogby Poll found that more than six in 10 U.S. voters say they could support an openly gay candidate for president of the U.S. U.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), chair of the House Financial Services Committee, is looking into a Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) policy that disqualifies domestic partners from receiving coverage available

Gay Pilgrims’ Progress

I don’t often post about purely local events, but since this one has ties to national history, here goes: Plimoth Plantation in Massachusetts, the site of the first Thanksgiving, will host “Out at Plimoth Plantation” on September 13. The event will “offer a glimpse into the lives of 17th century LGBT pilgrims and Native Americans,”

Where Would You Put an LGBT Official?

“Where would an openly gay or lesbian, bisexual or transgender appointee or elected official make the most difference during the next administration?” That’s the question the folks at Logo’s 365gay News posed to me and a number of others, including GLSEN director Kevin Jennings, former GLAAD director Joan Garry, former and current HRC directors Elizabeth

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 40

Last week, Helen and I talked about Olympic athletes who are mothers. This week, we turn to the mothers of athletes, bringing you some of our favorite stories of supportive parents at the Beijing Games. We add an LGBT twist by revealing which character from an LGBT-themed show Michael Phelps’ mom reminded us of, and

Take the LGBT Consumer Index Survey

The folks at Community Marketing have launched a survey for their second Gay and Lesbian Consumer Index. I’d like to encourage all of you to take it and contribute your perspectives as parents (or prospective parents) in our community. All information is confidential and will not be sold to third parties or used for marketing

Coming Out as LGBT Grandparents

With increasing coverage of LGBT parents in the media today, it is surprising LGBT grandparents are still largely invisible. I suspect this has much to do with the frequent media focus on lesbian couples with cute little tots or funny stories about finding sperm, or, for occasional variety, gay men searching for surrogates. The idea

Help Needed: LGBT Children’s Books in Spanish

A reader just wrote to ask me if I knew of any LGBT-inclusive children’s books in Spanish, especially for the very youngest tots. She knew of Antonio’s Card/La Tarjeta de Antonio, by Rigoberto Gonzalez and Cecilia Alvarez, but felt that was a little beyond the age of her own child. I’ll add the bilingual English/Spanish

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Lest you think I’ve become entirely obsessed with the Olympics (almost, but not quite), here’s a roundup of what’s happening in LGBT parenting news: The California Supreme Court ruled today that a group of doctors cannot use their religion as a legal excuse for denying a lesbian patient infertility treatment. Lambda Legal reports, “In a

Beijing Olympics in Legos

My love of both Legos and the Olympicsis well documented. My son is also obsessed with the former and learning to love the latter. I was thrilled, therefore, to see this astounding recreation of the Beijing Olympic facilities in Legos, including the Bird’s Nest, the Water Cube, the beach volleyball court, the equestrian arena, and

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