Florida Gay and Lesbian Adoption Ban Unconstitutional

Orange JuiceA nice tall glass of sunshine to start your day:

A Monroe Circuit Court judge in Florida ruled that the state’s 31-year-old ban on adoption by gay men and lesbians is unconstitutional. The judgment will allow a gay Key West foster parent to adopt a teenage boy he has raised since 2001, an action deemed in the boy’s “best interest.” Refreshing, isn’t it?

Another adoption case expected to be heard next month in Miami may also challenge the law. An earlier case that ruled in favor of gay and lesbian parents was overturned on appeal, a ruling upheld by the state Supreme Court in 1995.

2 thoughts on “Florida Gay and Lesbian Adoption Ban Unconstitutional”

  1. FINALLY! A judge who doesn’t placate the conservatives in this state. As a lesbian resident it is encouraging to read this news. I can only hope that the same will happen when the Miami case is heard.

  2. This news gives me hope, amidst the Palin mess. Real change, true change is inevitable, yes? If we live long enough we will eventually see all sorts of things that were originally thought to be written in stone, toppled by more progressive hearts and minds.

    Thanks for sharing this.

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