Sarah Palin Almost Convinced Me

Sarah Palin almost got me. Not that I’d ever vote for the McCain/Palin ticket, but I was almost convinced that Palin had a spark of understanding about LGBT issues when she said of “one of my absolute best friends for the past 30 years, who happens to be gay,” that “She is not my gay friend, she is one of my best friends. . .”

Well put.

Then she blew it: “. . . who happens to have made a choice that isn’t a choice that I have made.”

Given that the LGBT community jumped all over Democratic presidential candidate Bill Richardson when he said that being gay was a choice (a statement he later retracted, saying he didn’t understand the question), Palin should have been much more careful with this one. Even if it is her belief, the fact that she talks about it on national television indicates a lack of judgment, or lack of media training, which in her case may amount to the same thing. (If you want to test out Palin’s interview skills yourself, visit the new site Interview Sarah Palin.)

The best part about Palin’s comment, though? Gay dad and sex columnist Dan Savage’s response. After the jump.

2 thoughts on “Sarah Palin Almost Convinced Me”

  1. Did you realize that whomever you use to do your advertising has added a McCain/Palin ad to this post? I see it in the right hand sidebar here.

  2. Oh, thanks Aimee. That’s Google AdSense picking up on keywords. I’ll go put it on the do-not-show list in my account, though it may take a few hours to percolate through the system.

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