December 2008

50 Bloggers Walk Into a Room . . .

I spent the weekend, as some of you know, at the National LGBT Blogger and Citizen Journalist Initiative Summit (NLGBTBCJIS?) It was an amazing weekend, the best part of which was meeting many of the bloggers I knew only by name and reputation. The Bilerico gang, including co-owners Bil and Jerame, Pam Spaulding of Pam’s […]

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Lesbian Mom’s Rights

Good news: The U.S. Supreme Court today declined to hear the case of “ex-lesbian” mom Lisa Miller, letting stand a ruling that Virginia must enforce a Vermont court order awarding child-visitation rights to Miller’s former civil-union partner Janet Jenkins. This is the same case that Newsweek covered this week as well. Best wishes to six-year-old

LGBT Parenting Roundup

It’s time for another collection of news and fun stuff for LGBT parents: Put on your flak jackets. “It is same-sex parenting that is heating up as the next skirmish in the nation’s culture wars,” asserts the Chicago Tribune. Nancy Polikoff points out just how scary are the proposed Bush rules that would allow healthcare

Newsweek Covers Lesbian Custody Case

The latest issue of Newsweek has a long piece by Lorraine Ali, “Mrs. Kramer Vs. Mrs. Kramer” covering the child custody case between former civil union partners Janet Jenkins and Lisa Miller. This is the case that I’ve covered many times before, which has bounced between the jurisdictions of Vermont and Virginia. It’s good to

How the First Amendment Works

“If [an LGBT-inclusive hate crimes law] passes, you will still be able to call me a faggot. I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re in the banking industry, however.” —Congressman Barney Frank, chair of the House Financial Services Committee, speaking at the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund luncheon today

Weekly Political Update

Two Democratic state legislators in California launched bills in support of overturning Prop. 8. If approved, they would place both houses on record as opposing Prop 8 and declaring it an illegal revision to the state constitution. One report says Indiana lawmakers are unlikely to give serious consideration next year to a constitutional amendment banning

Florida, Adoption and Why Marriage isn’t Enough

In my latest article for, I discuss the Florida adoption ruling and the sometimes fuzzy connections between parental rights and marriage rights. If you’re following the Florida case, you might also be interested in the video that the ACLU made about the plaintiff family. After the jump:

Off to Blogger Initiative in DC

I’m off to DC this weekend for the LGBT Bloggers & Citizen Journalist Initiative. Mike Rogers is organizing it and kindly invited me to attend. I’ll also be speaking on a panel about group and event blogging, having managed one or two blogging events in my time. I’m looking forward to meeting a lot of

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 51

Helen and I tell viewers what parents don’t want people to get their kids for the holidays. (Remember this vlog is also published at After Ellen, where there’s a higher percentage of non-parents.) We then offer some ideas for presents that fit these tough economic times and probably won’t get returned. Plus: why our Christmas

New Harry Potter Book for the Holidays

J. K. Rowling is no fool. She’s releasing the latest book in the Harry Potter universe, The Tales of Beedle the Bard, today, just in time for the holidays. Yeah, I’m a sucker and I’m going to buy it. The book purports to be the collection of five tales mentioned in Harry Potter and the

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