Time to Vote Again!

2008 Weblog Awards FinalistJust a gentle reminder that 24 hours have elapsed since voting began in the 2008 Weblog Awards, and that Mombian is in the running for Best Large Blog. You can (and should!) vote once every 24 hours through January 13, since results are cumulative.

Right now, I’m far from first—but I’m not last, either, and I’d like it to stay that way.

In the Best LGBT Blog category, I’m pulling for Bilerico since I’m a contributor there, but it’s a fine slate of contestants all the way around.

In yet another category, lesbian blog Grace the Spot is up for Best New Blog. It’s run by Grace Chu, who started the 8 Against 8 campaign against Prop 8 in October.

Over in Parenting, LGBT ally Looky, Daddy! is holding onto second place. (Here’s his awesome post against Prop 8, in which he cleverly captioned wedding photos to explain why everyone should have the right to marry.)

Show them all some love!

2 thoughts on “Time to Vote Again!”

  1. Done! Go Dana!

    And if I might add to the Looky, Daddy greatest hits list, queer ally sub-list: his post immediately following the Prop 8 loss was amazing:

    Your Days Are None The Better For What You Have Done

    And way back when I was duking it out for the Weblog Awards Best New Blog back in 2006, he put in a plug for me and then used it as a segue into an argument against gay marriage. Which you can only read to appreciate (think Swift’s “Modest Proposal”):

    Stumping for a Friend

    One of the most fantastic things about having Brian as an ally is that he uses his rapier wit to skewer bias in a way that harangues will never quite equal. And because he’s a guy, and a hetero guy, and a beer-swilling, power-tool using one, his natural feminism and queer ally-dom sways an often un- or under-tapped constituency. Helps make space for folks remotely (or even exactly) like him to see how much more fun it is to be loving and supportive.

    And no, this was not a paid advert.

  2. Whoohoo! *goes off to vote*

    I’d like to note, too, that Mel from Stirrup Queens is nominated under health blog, and she’s been wonderfully accepting of the lgbt TTC community in her blog (not to mention that quite often her posts make me laugh until I cry).

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