Proof that Homosexuality Harms Kids

soupA few weeks ago, I wrote about the attacks on Campbell’s Soup by the American Family Association, after the soup company produced a series of ads featuring two lesbian moms and ran them in the Advocate.

Now, the AFA is urging its supporters to see if their children’s schools participate in Campbell’s 30-year-old “Labels for Education” program, whereby the company makes donations of educational equipment to schools in exchange for soup labels collected by parents. To date, the company has donated over $100 million worth of merchandise. If schools participate in the program, the AFA says, parents should ask them to stop, because the company “openly supports homosexual marriage.” (Never mind that marriage is never mentioned in the ads, and the ads were targeted at an LGBT audience. Not that it should matter even if they were in a mainstream publication.)

Finally we see: Without any other proof that homosexuality harms kids, the AFA has decided to cause that harm itself by cutting off much-needed donations of resources to schools.

Waiter, there’s a bigot in my soup . . . .

(Thanks, Good As You.)

2 thoughts on “Proof that Homosexuality Harms Kids”

  1. Pingback: Protecting our kids….and soup? « Labels are for Jars

  2. Pingback: Yep! It’s soup for lunch, again! at Lesbian Dad

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