A Lesbian Mom’s Letter to Obama

envelopeI wrote a letter to President-elect Obama with some thoughts about his upcoming presidency from my perspective as a lesbian mom. I can’t speak for all of us, but I hope some of my ideas find resonance.

The letter also ran as my column in 365gay.com last week. I can’t crosspost it yet, but since it seems relevant to this Inaugural week, I hope you’ll go read.

2 thoughts on “A Lesbian Mom’s Letter to Obama”

  1. Dear Dana,

    Thank you for writing your letter and for all of the wonderful content in your blog. After following the whole saga I’ve found myself in a very unusual place. I would’ve guessed myself to be outraged by Obama’s choice. My wife (not yet legal since we live in Florida) and I have two children and are pretty serious about not having our family demoralized, especially behind the curtain of religion. However, I found the reaction of our LGBT community to the choice of Rick Warren to be somehow unproductive. I believe with all of my heart that Obama understands our struggle and I also trust that he had a very good reason for selecting Warren. Of course I disagree with Warrens views but that isn’t that the point. I had this overwhelming feeling that all of us need to find room for each other. He has as much of a right to FEEL however he does about us as we do about him. But we shouldn’t be choosing where he is allowed to preach, just as much as he shouldn’t be choosing if we can marry or not. Agian. I am surprised by my own reaction, and feel an odd sense of wanting to give everyone their space to be. I’m the last one to support hate. But I’m begining to think that it is all about misunderstanding and fear and not really about hate at all. I’m finding myself feeling bad for Warren. Ironically, the man (Warren) should take his own advice, Had I not known who he was I would’ve enjoyed his words. I was also surprised by my reaction to all of the church going and bible holding and religion mixed in. While we are far from seperation of church and state, I found myself again saying, “I still can choose to agree or not, but no one is forcing me to follow that faith”. Anyhow, I felt moved to write. I agree with you that we need full marriage rights, and I am optimistic that they will come. I think that politically Obama can’t say that he supports them or we wouldn’t have him in office. I may be idealistic but I am really finding myself trusting him. I may not understand all of his choices but I the man does little without thinking it through and I believe that there was a good reason for his selection. I’m not sure what it is yet but my gut has faith and my heart is open on this one. Even as I read my own words, I don’t believe that I’m saying it. Maybe I can not yet feel betrayed by our new leader. Though I really don’t feel betrayed. Just for the record, I’m glad that there was a response from our community. Had there not been something would’ve been a miss. I think I am finding myself in an unusual middle ground. Whew, that was a lot..thanks for listening. And agian, thank you for providing an open forum. I hope that I have not offended anyone with my views, that would be my last intention. Just thought I’d share my feelings as foreign as they seem.

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