January 2009

KABC to Air Rejected Gay Family Ad

Earlier this week, I mentioned that KABC-TV in California had refused to air an ad featuring a gay black couple with five kids. The marriage equality group GetToKnowUsFirst.org, which produced the ad, wanted it to run during the presidential inauguration. Other channels in California aired it. The media buyer for GetToKnowUsFirst’s ad agency reported, “[KABC-TV] […]

Weekly Political Roundup

Some new guy moved into this house on Pennsylvania Avenue. . . . Says he wants to improve LGBT rights, education, healthcare, women’s rights, and strengthen families, not to mention fix the economy, protect the environment, and end the war in Iraq, among other things. Hope he still has time to read his girls a

Watch Now: The L Word, Season 6, Episode 1

Right here, right now. The first episode of The L Word, Season 6. While this may fall more into the category of general lesbian entertainment rather than lesbian parenting, per se, the episode does contain an extended sequence featuring Bette and Tina and their toddler Angelica. I found myself both nodding in sympathy and rolling

Blog for Choice Day

Today marks the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, which also makes it the annual Blog for Choice day. The organizers have asked us to answer the question, “What is your top pro-choice hope for President Obama and/or the new Congress?” For me, it is three things: Standing firm against the forces who would limit

ABC Affiliate Refuses to Know Lesbian and Gay Families

I was traveling over the past two days, so there’s no “She Got Me Pregnant” vlog this week, I’m afraid. Instead, please enjoy this series of five public-service ads featuring happy lesbian and gay families. The ads are a production of Get to Know Us First, a non-profit group sponsored by Power Up! films. The

Book Recommendation: “Humpty Who?”

One added benefit of my trip to New York has been that I had the pleasure of dining last night at Café Forant, the restaurant owned by Lea Forant and Carolyn Montgomery, the lesbian moms of Campbell Soup ad fame. Julien Sharp, whose writing some of you may know from Pam’s House Blend, was kind

Live from New York

I’ve spent Inauguration Day in transit between Boston and New York in preparation for my keynote at the Working Mother “L-Moms and Allies Breakfast,” catching most of the ceremony in the departure lounge. I wrote up my thoughts for now-President Obama a few days ago, though, so I am therefore taking today just to revel

L Word Prize Pack Giveaway

Lesbian attention this week is split between the Inauguration and the new season of The L Word. If you’ve been busy reading political blogs and missed the first episode of Season Six, you can watch it free at Join Showtime. If you missed Season Five, however, or want to watch it again, here’s your chance

Inauguration in Legos

We love us some Legos here at the Mombian household, and have played with little else since our son received a few new sets over the holidays. Still, I am humbled by the Legoland California recreation of President Obama’s Inauguration. I didn’t spot a little (B)Rick Warren, but I may go build one myself and

A Lesbian Mom’s Letter to Obama

I wrote a letter to President-elect Obama with some thoughts about his upcoming presidency from my perspective as a lesbian mom. I can’t speak for all of us, but I hope some of my ideas find resonance. The letter also ran as my column in 365gay.com last week. I can’t crosspost it yet, but since

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