January 2009

Gay Parenting Hip Hop Video

This awesome hip hop video about being a lesbian mom, “Gay Parenting: aka I’ve Got You,” by Mélange Lavonne, is now part of Logo TV’s Top 10 Videos Click List. Go vote for it to make sure it stays there! The song is part of Lavonne’s CD The Movement. The CD rocks, if you’re into […]

Banding Together: Help the Lesbian and Gay Band Association

For the first time, an LGBT band will be participating in a presidential Inaugural Parade.* Blogger Mike Rogers of PageOneQ is organizing a blog action this weekend in support of the band, who must, like others, pay their own way to DC. Please consider making a donation to the band and/or posting about this effort

Weekly Political Roundup

During the 1996 Illinois Senate race, Barack Obama asserted, “I favor legalizing same-sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages,” a distinct change from his current position. The Washington Blade reports that three more openly LGBT people will serve in the Obama administration, David Medina, as deputy chief of staff for Michelle Obama,

Proof that Homosexuality Harms Kids

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the attacks on Campbell’s Soup by the American Family Association, after the soup company produced a series of ads featuring two lesbian moms and ran them in the Advocate. Now, the AFA is urging its supporters to see if their children’s schools participate in Campbell’s 30-year-old “Labels for

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 55

Helen and I take a retrospective look at a TV classic from our childhoods, Schoolhouse Rock!. We then answer a viewer’s question about how to handle racist and homophobic family members and how to talk about them with one’s children. On a lighter note, we tell you which of our ideas for a post-L Word

How Prop 8 Hurts Families

“My six-year old, the day after we lost Prop 8, asked me, with tears running down his face, if we were still a family.” —Contra Costa County Another Contra Costa parent explained, “My eight year old daughter heard many of those radio and TV ads, I can tell she is still reeling inside. We talk

Thanks for Your Votes!

Many thanks to all who took the time to vote for Mombian as Best Large Blog in the 2008 Weblog Awards. I didn’t win (the honor went to Jammie Wearing Fool), but I wasn’t last, so I’m happy. All in good fun, and I got to peruse a bunch of new blogs. Congratulations also to

Google, YouTube, and Sperm Donation

What do Google, YouTube, and sperm donation have in common? The founders of the blockbuster Internet companies, along with Sherron Mills, the founder of Pacific Reproductive Services, a lesbian fertility clinic and sperm bank, were recently named top San Francisco innovators by 7×7 magazine. Read more about it at 365gay.com. (You can also read my

Final Reminder: Please Vote for Mombian in Weblog Awards

A final (thank heavens!) reminder to vote for Mombian as Best Large Blog in the 2008 Weblog Awards. I know I won’t win at this point, but I’d love to go out with a big rally. Voting ends at 5:00 p.m. EST today. I know the Weblog Awards site has been slow to unavailable at

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