“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 57

Helen and I congratulate the world’s first lesbian mom to become a head of state. We then turn to a viewer’s more personal question: How to deal with a pregnant partner’s hormonal mood swings. (“Run!” is a tempting but unacceptable answer.)

Although there were no parenting angles this week on The L Word, we use Max’s pregnancy to recommend a guidebook for transgender parents, one for parents of transgender children and the first-ever children’s picture book featuring a transgender child.

(Veoh seems to be having technical issues as they go through an upgrade, so Dailymotion is the only viewing option this week.)

Brought to you in partnership with After Ellen.

1 thought on ““She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 57”

  1. i was the bio mom, and i was absolutely unaffected by hormonal changes. my partner, on the other hand, became incredibly insenstive. she was so insensitive, in fact, that she actually accused me of constantly overreacting due to hormones. honestly!

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