“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 61

(I delayed posting this for a day because of all the Prop 8 stuff yesterday. Back to the usual Thursday next week.)

Helen and I reveal Mombian readers’ favorite L Word parenting storyline. (Surprise: It’s not Bette and Tina.) We also discuss what happens when our son’s kindergarten classmates start playing “boys capture the girls” during recess, and he doesn’t want to play along. Finally, we offer some advice on what to do if your insurance company refuses to pay for your fertility treatments, and we weigh in on Prop 8 for good measure.

Watch Mombian; She Got Me Pregnant, 03-05-09  |  View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com

(If the Veoh video above doesn’t work for you, try it at Dailymotion.)

Brought to you in partnership with After Ellen.

2 thoughts on ““She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 61”

  1. I remember very clearly my own experience with the boy-girl wars that occurred annually at my hippy-dippy Montessori school. I had friends who were both boys and girls, but one other girl and I fought on the boys’ side. I can’t recall why, in particular, though growing up I always had a sort of aversion to all-female groups, and this must have been part of that. I wish I could remember whether my mom and dad talked to me about the dynamic at work there. They probably would have had insightful stuff to say.

    I’m 19 now, and I don’t think the boy-girl war damaged me too much. Good for your son for standing up for himself! That’s fantastic.

  2. I remember girls chasing boys at my school … if memory serves, it was usually a couple of girls who seemed to be particularly male identified from a really young age.. for whatever reason. It definitely wasn’t something girls or boys were doing en masse. Maybe I just wasn’t the type of girl the boys chased.. I’d probably end up chasing them back at some point myself, or playing somewhere else, not enjoying being victimized in that way myself. But, I think the point is an interesting one to ask kids who are being confronted with that type of play.. what if the shoe was on the other foot? How do you think the kids are feeling.. the ones chasing? the ones being chased? Interesting opportunity for some social observation regardless which side your youngster falls on.

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