“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 62

Helen and I do what everyone seems to be doing this week, and debrief on The L Word. We offer a parenting twist, however, and show how our own career paths as mothers have paralleled those of Bette and Tina (though without the high salaries and glamour). What does this say about lesbian parents in general?

We also offer insight into tax season and explain why even being married in Massachusetts is no guarantee your taxes will be any simpler–and may even make them more complicated. Why can’t tax software keep up, we wonder, and is there a secret cabal of accountants driving the fight against federal LGBT rights?

Brought to you in partnership with After Ellen.

2 thoughts on ““She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 62”

  1. Yes! The anti-marriage stuff is bad enough, but every year I get a particular sense of gross unfairness as we have to trudge though the hellish American tax forms twice. Once is bad enough!

  2. Agreed. It’s even more fun when you change states mid-year and have both state (married) and state (single) forms. We didn’t have that this year, but did a couple of years ago. Ugh.

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