Egg-cellent News

Easter EggsThe times they are a’ changing. This just in from the Family Equality Council (my emphasis):

Dear Friends and Families,

I have some exciting news. Just recently, President Obama’s Administration reached out to Family Equality Council directly, encouraging us to encourage you, our supporters, to apply for tickets to this year’s White House Easter Egg Roll!

The Obama Administration knows Family Equality Council’s history with the Egg Roll. [See this article. -Ed.] As the first administration to publicly affirm our families’ equal value, they want to take the opportunity provided by this year’s Egg Roll to recognize the event’s importance to us. I am so proud that the efforts of LGBT parents in their communities, in their schools and in their places of worship have brought us to a moment in history where the White House is reaching out to Family Equality Council to have LGBT-headed families included in the time-honored tradition that is the Egg Roll.

This year, for the first time, Egg Roll tickets will be available online, not on the White House lawn. No more camping out overnight on the Ellipse to secure our spots! Tickets will be available at starting Thursday, March 26th. This could mean midnight, 8:00am, or later, so if you’re interested in applying for tickets I suggest you check the site starting at 12:00am tonight! The Egg Roll will take place Monday, April 13th. . . .

So if you’re interested in attending this year’s Egg Roll, start checking for online ticketing tonight. As the White House releases more information about the event, we’ll keep you up-to-date.

For our families,

Jennifer Chrisler
Executive Director
Family Equality Council

P.S. If you are chosen for tickets, let us know! Send an email to with the subject heading “Egg Roll Tickets” and your family’s contact information. Thanks!

Ed. note: I hear they were going to hold a White House seder, too, but the State Department nixed the idea when they heard it involved having the kids try to find where they’d hidden a former Secretary-General of the United Nations. (If you don’t get the joke, try these two Wikipedia entries. Or am I the only one who thinks it’s funny?)

2 thoughts on “Egg-cellent News”

  1. (a) I read about that Egg Roll news at the Family Equality site: Wow! Basically, wow! Too bad we’re so daggone far from the White House lawn over here & can’t even dream of the event.

    (b) Kofi Annan! Afikomen! You are killing me! Please, please get Helen, next time she’s wearing a baseball hat, to peel it off her head and bop you for me!

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