Why the Iowa Decision Is Good for Children

iowastateseal.jpgWhy is the Iowa marriage decision good not only for same-sex couples, but also for our children? Lawyer Nancy Polikoff dissects the ruling with her usual perspicacity.

She writes, “The Iowa court . . . methodically considered and rejected every conceivable relationship between denying marriage to same-sex couples and the best interests of children. In fact, it made mincemeat of those arguments.”

Not only did it reject the unscientific studies that claimed dual-gender parenting was best for children, but it asserted, “if the state was truly concerned with the optimal environment for children it would exclude other categories of people [from marriage], such as child abusers and sexual predators. Plus, it noted, the marriage ban does not prohibit same-sex couples from raising children.”

There’s more, but I’ll let you go read it on her blog. Good stuff.

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