Chickens and Eggs

The White House Egg Roll is coming up on Monday. I wrote last week about the Obama administration’s groundbreaking outreach to LGBT families while also questioning their continued reluctance to grant us full equality.

For another perspective (not so different, when you come right down to it), here’s a piece at HuffPo by Alisa Surkis, one of the two moms who brought the idea of organizing LGBT families to attend the White House Easter Egg Roll en masse to Family Equality Council (then Family Pride) in 2006. She asks, “Does society change in response to the signals sent by legislative changes, or do changes in people’s attitudes push forward legislation?”

It’s a good question. I think her answer (which I’ll let you go read at HuffPo) is particularly apt.

If any readers are attending the Egg Roll, feel free to send me photos or stories of your experience. I’d be happy to post them. (Please limit to three photos.)

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