Happy Holidays

We’re having a bit of a family emergency here right now, hence the lack of vlog yesterday. I’m also going to skip the Weekly Political Update today; I’m assuming that this week of all weeks you’ve been keeping up with the political news, and that many of you have left for the long weekend already in any case. (I will, however, note that amidst all the marriage hoopla, the New Hampshire House passed a transgender anti-discrimination bill, which now goes to the Senate. The Washington legislature passed a similar bill, which heads to the governor. Good for them.)

Happy holidays, no matter what you’re celebrating this week!

3 thoughts on “Happy Holidays”

  1. Good luck dealing with the family emergency; I hope it’s nothing too complicated or dire. (And happy holidays to you, too!)

  2. I hope your emergency turns out to be a false alarm or at least something you can laugh about over the weekend. Thanks, though, for all the great work you do here and elsewhere! And happy holidays! (And your Secretary General joke was a big success at both seders, btw! Not to mention I spent all week giggling to myself uncontrollably.)

  3. Thanks, S and Roger! Not quite a false alarm, but not as bad as we feared. (Medical emergency with another family member.)

    Glad you liked the pun, Roger! I think there may have been only three people who got it, but I like to think it’s quality, not quantity.

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