April 2009

Songs About Loose Teeth from Erin Lee and Marci

Children’s musicians Erin Lee and Marci bring us the next of their regular posts with thematic recommendations for kid-friendly music, plus activities to make the songs an interactive experience for the whole family. This month’s theme was particularly apt, as my own son lost his first tooth recently. We’d been belting out Erin Lee and […]

Scholarships for LGBT and Allied Students – Name Tweak Needed?

HRC has just compiled a very useful list of Scholarships for LGBT and Allied Students. Many of the scholarships, especially those from COLAGE, are open to children of LGBT parents. Thing is, though, some children of LGBT parents prefer not to be called allies, as Abigail Garner has explained. “Ally,” she wrote, implies someone who

Weekly Political Update

Was there any news this week? Things seemed kind of slow . . . . Lots of good news on the marriage front, of course. First, some other national news: President Barack Obama asked former Indianapolis Colts head coach Tony Dungy to be part of his Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Dungy has

Goodbye, “ER”

I’m sitting here just after the final moments of the final ER and realizing that Helen and I have been together longer than the show has been on, but only by a year. ER brought us some of the only images of lesbian moms on mainstream television, starting with Dr. Kerry Weaver and ending with

Honda Commercial with Gay Dads

Honda must have noticed that Subaru’s marketing to the LGBT community was paying off. In this recent commercial, two men and a young boy get out of a car, ready to head to the beach. Sure, they could be a dad and an uncle, but I’d prefer to think they’re both dads, especially with the

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 64

This week, Helen and I are celebrating 16 years together! We also discuss the joys of classic Disney films (with or without a young Angela Lansbury), and how children’s movies have changed over the years, not necessarily for the better. For bonus points, we demonstrate the fun fold-out action of the Panorama book I blogged

A Book Recommendation for National Poetry Month

It’s National Poetry Month, and while I dislike the idea of constraining poetry to one month (same for women’s history, black history, etc.), I see no reason not to use it as an occasion to celebrate. I’ll be doing a variety of poetry-related pieces throughout the month. Stay tuned. I’ll start with a book recommendation:

Utah Mandates All Children to Be Raised by LGBT People

In a special session of the Utah Legislature, lawmakers of both houses approved a bill that would require all children born in the state to be raised by LGBT people. A delegation rushed the bill to the governor’s desk, where he signed it immediately. “When you look at all the cases of child abuse in

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