Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2009

Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2009Save the date: It’s that time of year again! One month from now, on Monday, June 1, I will be hosting the 4th Annual Blogging for LGBT Families Day.

Last year, over 170 bloggers from around the world participated, including lesbian moms, gay dads, adult children of LGBT parents, members of the transgender community, LGBT individuals without children, and straight allies. Some bloggers told stories about their paths to parenthood, or tales about their children; some wrote about LGBT relatives or friends; others discussed current political events; and several spoke of why their faith obliges them to support LGBT rights. This year’s writings should be equally diverse and compelling.

Here’s how it works:

  • Blog on a topic related to LGBT families on or before June 1, 2009.
  • Complete the form at the bottom of this post to submit your entry.
  • I’ll compile the posts and highlight them here on June 1. Come back and read the stories and insights of our community and allies.

Any blogger who wants to support LGBT families is welcome, LGBT or not, parent or not. I encourage those who don’t usually post about LGBT families or LGBT issues, as well as those for whom every day is Blogging for LGBT Families Day. Give it a spin based on your usual blog topics. There’s no set formula or format. Photos and videos are also welcome.

The list of last year’s contributions is still online for your perusal.

Please also download a banner and promote the event on your site, Facebook, Twitter, etc. The more people who participate, the more impact our voices will have.

Thanks to the Family Equality Council for sponsorship of the event.

18 thoughts on “Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2009”

  1. Pingback: Blogging For LGBT Families Day 2009 | Green Dads

  2. Pingback: Blogging For LGBT Families Day 2009 : SistersTalk

  3. Pingback: 1st of 21 at Lesbian Dad

  4. Pingback: Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2009 | Man of

  5. Pingback: Blogging For LGBT Families Day 2009 | Lambda Family Circle

  6. Is it okay if the post is not the most recent one on the blog? I am thinking of submitting my Mother’s Day entry (5/12/09), though I might come up with something specific to the event.

  7. Pingback: 20th of 21 at Lesbian Dad

  8. Pingback: Damn Straight » Blog Archive » Standing Up as the Baby

  9. Pingback: Blogging for GLBT Families Day | Seasons of Pride

  10. Pingback: The One Where I Come Out… And Say It at EyeJunkie

  11. Pingback: Writing about LGBT Issues « Butt to Chair

  12. Pingback: Oh Happy Day! Exhibits 1-4 at EyeJunkie

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