Wanda Sykes Now a Lesbian Mom!

Comedian and actor Wanda Sykes, who came out last fall and last week entertained at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, has just announced that she is also a mom!

Sykes and her spouse Alex (last name unknown) welcomed twins Olivia Lou and Lucas Claude on April 27th. Kudos to them for taking the first few weeks as family time before letting the public know. (And bonus kudos to Alex for letting Sykes jet off to D.C. and leave her with two newborns. At least I’m assuming Alex and the kiddies didn’t go. President Obama better be giving them a really nice baby gift!)

I am thoroughly looking forward to seeing how Sykes incorporates tales of parenthood into her humor!

2 thoughts on “Wanda Sykes Now a Lesbian Mom!”

  1. How fantastic. Bout time to ! I will be the first to stand in line to find about about how that little is doing.

  2. Welcome welcome welcome to the world, Olivia Lou and Lucas Claude, and you have some fantastic moms! (Since anyone Wanda Sykes loves is sure to be a heckuva gal herself.)

    When the dust settles (on Christopher Hitchens’ and even Keith Olbermans’ heads, the chumps/wimps), herstory will record that Olivia’s and Lucas’ mama Wanda as a shero.

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