May 2009

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Family stories: SoVo talks with a lesbian and a gay man who each have lesbian moms. It’s a rare look at these “second gen-ers” who are sometimes forgotten in our haste to insist that not all LGBT parents have LGBT kids. On a related note, Brett Berk (who guest posted here last week) discusses how

Help Restore a Pioneering Film About Lesbian Moms

In 1984, Debra Chasnoff made her first documentary film, Choosing Children, which profiled several lesbian moms who had kids after coming out—a radical idea at the time. The film, co-directed and co-produced with Kim Klausner, her children’s other mom, was selected in 2007 as one of two films that the Legacy Project, a program of

Daughter of Lesbian Moms in New Ad for California Marriage Equality

I’ve complained before about the shortcomings of last year’s No On 8 campaign ads, and suggested that same-sex families with children should have been highlighted more. Looks like the marriage equality effort, now boosted by Marc Solomon, formerly of MassEquality, is taking the message to heart—not from my urging alone, but from the many of

Repealing DADT Is Only the First Step

(I wrote this back in February for, but it seemed timely to repost it here (with slight updates) in light of the Army National Guard’s recent dismissal of West Point graduate and Arabic linguist Lt. Dan Choi under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” (He was on the Rachel Maddow Show last week.) Although the timetable

My Best Investment Ever

(In honor of Mother’s Day, here’s a guest post from my spouse Helen, who writes about matters financial at Queercents. It’s a slightly different angle on our family story.)

Happy Mothers’ (‘s) Day

A very happy day to all of you celebrating it, no matter how you shape this tradition to your own family. While you’re enjoying your day, ponder the answer to Parentdish’s Mother’s Day poll question, “Who are the celebs you’d trust your kids with most?” The winners? Ellen DeGeneres and Portia De Rossi. Is this

Dial It Down

[While I’m offline as much as possible this week, please enjoy this second post by Brett Berk, M.S. Ed., aka “The Gay Uncle.” Brett seems to have answers to all the tough parenting questions, like how to handle matters when grandma keeps giving your children cheap, crappy toys, how to deal with Wii addiction, and

Setting Claire Boundaries

[While I’m offline as much as possible this week, please enjoy this post by Brett Berk, M.S. Ed., aka “The Gay Uncle.” Brett seems to have answers to all the tough parenting questions, like how to handle matters when grandma keeps giving your children cheap, crappy toys, how to deal with Wii addiction, and what

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