LGBT Parenting Roundup

Politics and Law

  • Amicus briefs are coming in to Florida’s third district court of appeal from LGBT and other civil-rights groups, in support of a circuit court decision that allowed a gay couple to adopt two brothers, effectively overturning the state’s ban on adoption by same-sex couples.
  • Despite new legislation in Victoria, Australia, to allow lesbian couples access to IVF treatment and donor sperm, many couples have had their applications delayed due to a lack of the government resources needed to carry out the record checks required.


  • Oregon Gov. Ted Kulongoski signed the sexual-orientation inclusive Oregon Safe Schools Act, which requires schools to have clearer rules, processes, and educational tools to deal with bullying.
  • A leaked report from the Dutch government says that religious schools can refuse to employ gay teachers if their behavior is contrary to school beliefs, even if such behavior is outside the classroom.

Personal Stories

  • Australian gay dads Matt and Martin talk with the Sydney Star Observer about their path to parenthood through surrogacy, and why they went to California to make it happen.
  • We hear a lot of stories of LGBT parents, but fewer about LGBT grandparents. Iowan Loren Olson discusses his upcoming wedding and its impact on his grandchildren, noting wisely, “From a global perspective, social justice demands that we share our sexual orientation with others, but when it comes to decisions related to the consequences to individuals, the decision always is more difficult.”
  • Joan Garry, former Executive Director of GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation), writes about Father’s Day in a House with Lesbian Moms.
  • Straight ally “Palindrome” writes at Open Salon about explaining marriage inequality to her preschooler. Her daughter’s reply is spot-on: “I think people should get to choose whoever they want to marry. It should be their choice, not somebody’s elses [sic].”
  • I can’t believe I didn’t link to this already, but Paige Schilt’s piece at Bilerico on maintaining ties to the queer community after parenthood is a must-read.
  • Not an LGBT story per se, but this touching post by a birth mother seems relevant because of the large number of us with adopted children. (Thanks to Steve at Green Dads.)
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