June 2009

Dodd Says Daughters Helped Him Change His Mind on Marriage Equality

“Public officials aren’t supposed to change their minds,” said Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT). He has written a great piece, however, on how having young daughters has helped him turn towards marriage equality. This is a welcome breath of fresh air after all of the right-wing nonsense about how marriage equality will harm children. Dodd posted […]

What Legislation Matters Most to You?

This week Reps. Barney Frank, Tammy Baldwin, and Jared Polis introduced an LGBT-inclusive version of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). On Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee will be holding a hearing on the LGBT-inclusive Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Within a week or so, the Supreme Court should file a response to the case

Sperm Donation: Eugenics or Family Bonding?

Brett Berk, aka “The Gay Uncle,” has just written a post about sperm donation. He finds it odd, he says, that lesbian friends of his can choose the looks of their children “like a handbag,” and is wondering if anyone else finds the process odd. Leaving aside the question of how many lesbians carry handbags—as

Good News for Non-Bio Moms: Uniform Probate Code Becomes More Uniform

As many of you know, most LGBT legal experts recommend that every non-bio mom do a second-parent adoption even if she lives in a state that will put her name on the birth certificate of a child born to her partner. (Briefly: adoptions must be recognized by other states; the non-bio mom’s right to be

Prop 8: A Spoonful of Sugar

(Originally published in Bay Windows, May 28, 2009.) We’ve been on a Disney movie kick around our house, spurred by a recent visit to the Magic Kingdom. As fate would have it, the day the Prop 8 decision was announced, we had chosen to watch Mary Poppins. I was looking forward to some Julie Andrews,

Happy Blogaversary to Mombian

Four years ago today, I published my first Mombian post. It’s been a longer and more fun journey than I ever could have imagined, thanks to all of you who have stopped by to read, comment, and in many cases, become friends. My vision for the site then was to offer news, analysis, and resources

Happy Father’s Day

A very happy Father’s Day to the few but loyal dads who read this blog, as well as to the lesbian moms who claim this day as their own. A happy day, too, to my own father, who this year battled cancer for the third time and still managed to find time to tell superhero

Visibility Matters: Scientific Proof

We’ve all heard that visibility matters. Here’s proof—scientific proof—as reported in Scientific American. According to Harvard University psychologist Yoel Inbar and his colleagues in a recent issue of the journal Emotion, even people who say they are fine with displays of affection by gay male couples may harbor subconscious negative attitudes. Jesse Bering, the openly

Weekly Political Roundup

The big news this week is the LGBT community’s reaction to President Obama’s grant of limited benefits to partners of federal employees. Here’s my take on it. The Washington Blade has more analysis. The news comes on the heels of Obama’s decision to defend a Department of Justice filing that supports DOMA. On that case,

Boston Pride 2009: The Mombian View

Here are a few select photos from this year’s Boston Pride, with a focus on family matters. Unfortunately, I got there too late to see most of the school groups that marched, since I was running over from Cambridge where I’d been covering the mayor’s annual Pride Brunch, but you can see last year’s set

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