Money from My Honey

MoneyThis morning’s post is a shameless plug for a couple of posts by my spouse, who writes about finance at her own blog and at Queercents.

In Creative Personal Economic Stimulus: Boston’s Bounty Bucks, she discusses a nice idea for vouchers that turn $10 of regular food stamps into $20 to spend at the local farmers’ market. She also gives a shout-out to the farmer’s market in Madison, Wisconsin, the city where we met and which just extended domestic partnership benefits to same-sex couples.

She then discusses whether title insurance is worth buying. Before you run screaming at such a topic, I’ll observe that she manages to turn even that dry matter into something interesting (okay, maybe not as interesting as, say, the new season of Weeds), and that’s one of the many reasons I love her. Along the way, she makes her own call for a little piece of financial reform.

Nothing LGBT-specific to any of that. What with money being power, however, the smarter we can be with ours, the more power we’ll have as a community. It pays—monetarily and otherwise—to educate ourselves on financial matters.

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