Personal Stories
- ABC News looks back at the history of the “gayby boom,” and how things have changed (and not) over the past 20 years. It’s a rather good mainstream article, with many quotes from teen and adult children of same-sex parents.
- Ten-year-old Sophie Brescia offers Bay Windows her perspective on having two moms and being one of two children the family adopted from China. It’s a must-read, and one to share with your kids if they are of similar age.
- Utrecht University graduate Maite Vermeulen gives her views on having two moms in the Netherlands.
- Comedian Wanda Sykes and her partner Alex take their new twins for a stroll.
- Two police officers from Southampton, U.K., are believed to be Britain’s first gay couple to father a baby. The sister of one of the men was their surrogate. She is still the only legal parent on the birth certificate; the men must now adopt the child.
Politics and Law
- Carlos A. Ball at HuffPo covers the Charisma R. and Kristina S. custody trial that I posted about a few weeks ago. He asks the very good question, “Why Is a Right-Wing Organization Representing Lesbian Mothers in Court?”
- The Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales criticized former priest Terry Prendergast, now the head of a marriage counseling charity partly funded by the Church, when he told a gathering of gay Roman Catholics that children of same-sex parents did not suffer in any way, and that same-sex families “should be held up as role models and an advert for Catholicism.”
Family Creation
- Are Swedish lesbians causing a run on sperm banks in their country? Apparently, because of the shortage, more Swedish women are inseminated in Danish fertility clinics than in Swedish ones. Makes sense to me: pop over to Denmark to get inseminated and stock up on Legos, then back home to the land of Ikea for furnishings. It’s almost everything a parent might need. (Well, okay, Legos and Ikea wares comprise about 90 percent of the non-book portion of our household, but maybe we’re not typical.)