Lesbian Grandmothers for Equality in Washington

The National Equality March has come and gone, and every LGBT and mainstream news outlet is covering it. I’ll leave the immediate coverage to those who were there, and plan to do a roundup later in the week of what I think are the more insightful pieces.

In the meantime, let us not forget that one of the reasons for the March was to energize us for action in our home states. With that in mind, here is “Together,” the first ad from Washington Families Standing Together/Approve Referendum 71. It features lesbian moms—and grandmothers!—Jane and Pete-e.

I like it a lot. It offers a different view of LGBT families than the usual “young same-sex couple and toddler” imagery we’ve seen in a lot of ads. There’s nothing wrong with the latter, of course, but I think Jane and Pete-e will strike a chord with older voters in a way that a young couple might not. Here’s hoping.

(Thanks to Lurleen at Pam’s.)

4 thoughts on “Lesbian Grandmothers for Equality in Washington”

  1. I love this couple. Their love story is featured in the excellent documentary Inlaws and Outlaws.

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