October 2009

How Much More Does It Cost to Be a Same-Sex Couple?

The New York Times has just published a major new piece on the costs of being a same-sex couple. Their conclusion? Lifetime added costs range from $28,595 to $211,993. Authors Tara Siegel Bernard and Ron Lieber did extensive financial modeling and analysis, based on a hypothetical same-sex couple whom they chose to be similar to […]

Weekly Political Roundup

Bunches of news this week. I’m saving parenting/youth-related stuff for a separate roundup early next week. This week was busy with the extra Banned Books Week content. Stay tuned! An article written by an Air Force colonel in Joint Force Quarterly, which is published for the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, concludes that

And Gemma Makes Three: A Baby for Tango’s Real Dads

“We tried to incubate a rock and that didn’t work,” jokes Justin Richardson, one of the authors of And Tango Makes Three. The truth is, however, that he and his co-author and partner, Peter Parnell, became dads themselves back in February, as the New York Times reports today. Gemma Parnell-Richardson doesn’t have feathers like Tango,

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 85

Helen and I celebrate Banned Books Week with old and new LGBT-themed children’s books that made the American Library Association’s Most Challenged Books list (as well as a children’s book that was challenged in 1959 for promoting (gasp!) interracial marriage). We also commend President Obama for including same-sex-headed families in a recent proclamation. After that,

It Can’t Be Banned If It’s Not In the Library

More words of wisdom on banned books, this time from acclaimed young adult author Julie Anne Peters: You can’t ban a book that never makes it into a library. When I hear about authors who are up in arms about their book being banned, or removed from reading lists, I confess to a sliver of

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