Crash, Bang!

One of our cars was totaled last week. Let me quickly add that no one was hurt. Helen got rear-ended while stopped in traffic, and was pushed into the car in front of her, which happened to be a tow truck. If you’re going to have a car crash, that’s the way to do it.

That gives me as good an excuse as any to introduce her new blog, Science and Money, where she has posted about the accident and its financial aftermath. The blog is the standalone relaunch of one that was associated with her home business. In it, she offers “elements of personal finance from a scientist’s perspective”—and with a fair amount of wit. She doesn’t always write about LGBT-specific issues, but as a lesbian, she does keep an eye out for when those issues arise.

Go say hi and offer her comments with your own stories about car-buying hassles. We’ll tell you what we bought next week.

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