Book Giveaway: Gringa: A Contradictory Girlhood

GringaIt’s time for a book giveaway! I’m very pleased to offer a copy of Gringa: A Contradictory Girlhood, writer Melissa Hart’s memoir of growing up in the 1970’s separated from her mother, who lost custody of her children after she divorced their father and came out as a lesbian. (More about it in my 2009 Review of LGBTQ Family Books.)

The book will go to the first commenter who leaves the correct answer to the question:

Name the documentary that Hart appeared in to talk about her mother’s and her experiences in the 1970’s with homophobia.

If you don’t get it, I’ll be giving away another copy tomorrow (at a different time of day), so you can try again.

Rules and restrictions: U.S. and Canada residents only, please. One entry per person. Don’t worry if your comment is moderated; once I approve it, it will appear based on the time you submitted it. Previous winners of Mombian contests cannot play again. If you are or have been a paying advertiser (or an employee of a paying advertiser) on Mombian, you can’t play.

You must also leave a valid e-mail address with your comment. Don’t leave a postal address, though. If you win, I’ll contact you by e-mail about shipping. (I will then share the winner’s name and postal address only with the publisher, for the sole purpose of allowing them to mail you your prize.)

I am a member of the Amazon Associates program, and get a small referral fee from all purchases made at via links on this site. You are under no obligation to purchase through them.

5 thoughts on “Book Giveaway: <em>Gringa: A Contradictory Girlhood</em>”

  1. Wow, you folks are quick. Mom 2 G and C got her answer in first, however, so she’s the winner. Thanks to all of you for playing, though! I’ll be posting another giveaway tomorrow (Tuesday), but at a different time.

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