Careful with That Turkey Baster!

turkey_baster.100There’s funny in the Prop 8 trial, too. From the Mercury News:

Defense lawyer Nicole Moss asked plaintiffs’ expert Letitia Peplau, a UCLA professor, whether gay couples could “accidentally” have children out of wedlock. She replied, “If your question is whether two lesbians can, accidentally, spontaneously, impregnate each other, not to my knowledge.”

6 thoughts on “Careful with That Turkey Baster!”

  1. “Earlier this evening, Anna Smith-Jones’s FedEx van spun out of control shortly after picking up a shipment from the local sperm bank, colliding with Eve Smith-Jones’s truck carrying poultry cooking supplies. There were no injuries and two pregnancies. The couple is registered at Babies-R-Us and Home Depot.”

  2. Anna Smith-Jones, after the “accident”: “Hey, you put your chocolate in my peanut butter!”
    Eve Smith-Jones: “Well you put your peanut butter on my chocolate!”
    And so on.

  3. Well, Pat, it appears the story doesn’t end there, either. Apparently, another lesbian couple (who wishes to remain anonymous) was driving by when the accident occurred. To their surprise, the now open canister of “baby juice” slipped inside their truck and WALA!! Another couple impregnated. They would like to warn all lesbian couples out there of the dangers of driving with unsecured sperm. *camera turns to couple, faces blurred* “Please,” one pleads while holding the other’s hand, “If you’re going to drive and inseminate please buckle up your sperms!! This is the 5th time this has happened to us!!”

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