January 2010

Weekly Political Roundup

The Prop 8 Case Everyone is covering the Prop 8 case. Here are a few of the sites with people on the ground at the courtroom. (As you may have heard, the U.S. Supreme Court banned videocasting of the trial. Jenny Pizer, Lambda Legal’s Marriage Project director, explains why.)j Lisa Keen has a good summary […]

Helping Haiti

I was going to write a post about donating to Haiti, but my spouse Helen did it instead. She’s pulled out a list of all the organizations providing relief in Haiti that are rated four stars by Charity Navigator. Charity Navigator also has some useful tips on evaluating who should get your money. We’re going

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 96

Helen and I share two new CD’s of lesbian- and gay-inclusive kids’ music (about which more here). We then discuss arranging playdates when you’re the only LGBT family in the school. Plus: extra sprinkles! Mombian: She Got Me Pregnant, 01-14-10 by drudolph (If the embedded video above doesn’t work for you, try it at Dailymotion.)

Careful with That Turkey Baster!

There’s funny in the Prop 8 trial, too. From the Mercury News: Defense lawyer Nicole Moss asked plaintiffs’ expert Letitia Peplau, a UCLA professor, whether gay couples could “accidentally” have children out of wedlock. She replied, “If your question is whether two lesbians can, accidentally, spontaneously, impregnate each other, not to my knowledge.”

David Boies on Same-Sex Parents

His colleague Ted Olson got the parenting quote the other day. Now it’s David Boies’ turn, in an interview he and Olson did with Rachel Maddow (my bold): There are three basic points that we want to make. One is that marriage is a fundamental right. Nobody can really disagree with that. The second is

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Politics and Law The government of New South Wales, Australia, has refused to change the law and allow same-sex couples to adopt, despite a six-month parliamentary inquiry that found doing so would be in the best interests of children. It says the issue is “too complex and sensitive” and there is not enough community support.

Prop 8: The Twinkie Offense

During the Prop 8 trial in California yesterday, plaintiff Paul Katami, a fitness manager, was asked why he didn’t think domestic partnerships were good enough. He replied with a metaphor of putting a Twinkie at the end of a treadmill and giving the person on the treadmill just one bite, reports Lisa Keen. “I want

Ted Olson on Same-Sex Parents

Attorney Ted Olson gave the plaintiffs’ opening statement in the Prop 8 trial yesterday. He said some spot-on things about same-sex couples and parenting (my bold): Proposition 8 has no rational relation to the parenting of children because same-sex couples and opposite sex couples are equally permitted to have and raise children in California. The

LGBT-Inclusive Kids’ Music Hits a High Note

(Originally published with slight variation as my Mombian newspaper column.) Nothing warms a gay or lesbian parent’s heart like seeing representations of our families in children’s media. Two new kids’ CD’s set those representations to music. The first, The Super Secret Seashell Cave, is an audio-only album by the team that produced Dottie’s Magic Pockets,

Lesbian Mom Headlining Prop 8 Trial

Kris Perry is the titular plaintiff in the Perry v. Schwarzenegger case challenging the constitutionality of Prop 8. She and her partner Sandy Stier have four boys. Perry told journalist Karen Ocamb recently: Sandy and I have both been active members of PTA and sit on education fundraising boards. We go to our kids’ athletic

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