March 2010

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Schools and Youth The ACLU and and Mississippi Safe Schools Coalition are advocating on behalf of a Mississippi high school student who wants to go to the prom with her girlfriend. School officials have said she may not arrive with her girlfriend or wear a tux, and must leave if other students become “uncomfortable.” A

Can Same-Sex Parents Get a Break on College Financial Aid?

Same-sex parents are used to the routine of crossing out “Mother” or “Father” on various forms and writing in whatever applies to our family. What happens, however, when this is asked on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form, used by most colleges and universities to determine a student’s contribution towards the cost

Happy International Women’s Day

It’s International Women’s Day, a holiday first celebrated in 1909 in honor of a 1908 strike by women garment workers in protest at their working conditions. Now, it’s a holiday endorsed by the U.N., which has set the 2010 theme as “Equal rights, equal opportunities: Progress for all.” While the holiday gets little attention in

Florida “Family-Friendly” Film Tax Credit Would Exclude Movies with Gay Families

Watching the Oscars tonight? Here’s some filmmaking news that will have you seething: Florida lawmakers are considering an incentive package to attract film and entertainment jobs to the state.  Productions with “nontraditional family values,” however, would be ineligible.  State Rep. Stephen Precourt (R-Orlando), who introduced the bill, said that films depicting gay families should not

Weekly Political Roundup

First, an opportunity: The Bilerico Project and PFLAG have partnered to provide funding for unemployed LGBT people to go to Washington, D.C. on March 16 and lobby on behalf of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). Details are here. Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and 11 Democratic cosponsors introduced a bill to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 100

Helen and I take an Olympian approach to our 100th vlog. After watching the Olympics non-stop for two weeks, we bring you the “Top Ten Reasons Parenting Is Like the Olympics” (and not just because it’s like sliding down an icy track at 90 miles per hour). Mombian: She Got Me Pregnant, 03-04-10 by drudolph

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Books and Media Since books form an important part of the parenting experience for many of us (and many of us were voracious readers before we became parents), go check out the Lambda Literary Foundation’s brand-new Web site, chock-full of goodness about books for adults and kids. Life & Style magazine’s latest cover headline asks,

Congratulations, Lezzy Winners

A very hearty congratulations to the winners of the 2009 Lezzy Awards, sponsored by The Lesbian Lifestyle. There are some mighty fine blogs out there, including Up Popped a Fox, who took it home in the Parenting category, over Lesbian Dad and myself. Vikki keeps us all in stitches with her riotous tales of parenting

Music for All Families: “And Mom and Kid”

As regular readers will know, I’m a big fan of They Might Be Giants and their great new kids’ album Here Comes Science. They also did a fun song called “And Mom and Kid” for Rosie O’Donnell’s recent HBO special A Family Is a Family Is a Family. (While I had some criticisms of the

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