“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 103

Helen and I celebrate our 17th anniversary this week and wonder how we made it. We also discuss a new way of thinking about kids and rules and try (perhaps in vain) to plan for when our child becomes a teen. Plus: a look at how parenthood changed Ricky Martin.

Mombian: She Got Me Pregnant 04-01-2010
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Brought to you in partnership with After Ellen.

3 thoughts on ““She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 103”

  1. Awwww, you guys are so cute! Happy anniversary!

    And thanks for the pointer to the interesting article on kids’ resistance to rules. We use the “choice” technique a lot with our 2-year-old, and try to give him autonomy in other things when it’s safe and feasible.

  2. I just wanted to say that I’m 16 and several months ago I finally admitted to myself that I’m a lesbian. I live in a family where I’ve heard some very strong messages that gay women are gay because of some past trauma or confusion, and that they can’t form healthy, committed relationships. I’ve been having a really difficult time lately trying to un-internalize these messages, and this video almost made me cry. It gives me so much hope and encouragement to see a so obviously happy and healthy family that has been together for so long. Thank you so much for all the work you put into this blog–I am one small example that it really does make a difference.

  3. Tamara–Thank you so much for your comment. It almost made me cry in return. It sounds like you already know you need to un-internalize the negative messages, and that’s the first and biggest step. If our video has played some small part along the way, I’m honored and humbled. Best wishes.

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