April 2010

Mike Huckabee In the Doghouse

Former Arkansas governor and erstwhile Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee shared his opinion about same-sex parents in a speech last week at The College of New Jersey. As reported by The Perspective: He also affirmed support for a law in Arkansas that prohibits same-sex couples from becoming adoptive or foster parents. “I think this is […]

The Kids are All Right Trailer

Now out: a trailer for Sundance film The Kids Are All Right, starring Julianne Moore and Annette Bening as lesbian moms whose kids decide to go in search of their sperm donor (Mark Ruffalo). My initial thoughts: Moore and Bening make a great couple, but just once I want to see lesbian moms on screen

Weekly Political Roundup

Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens announced his retirement. Michael Jones at Change.org explores his LGBT-rights legacy. Back in February, Lisa Keen took at look at the LGBT-rights records of some potential nominees. The Pentagon grapples with the problem of “How do we ask gay and lesbian troops what they think if they can still

On Being Tolerated

I’m very pleased today to publish a guest post by J.A. Madrone, who also posts at Our Big Gayborhood. Please enjoy! On Being Tolerated By J.A. Madrone My ear cocked back when I heard the kids in my carpool group all talking in the back seat on the way home from school that day. “Jane

LGBT Parenting Roundup

When Constance McMillen filed a lawsuit against her school district after they canceled the prom rather than let her bring a same-sex date and wear a tux, a federal judge ruled that she had a right to clothes and a date of her choice. He did not ask the school to reinstate the prom, however,

Scholarships for LGBTQ and Allied Students

Here’s a great resource for those of you with kids nearing college age. HRC has created a database of scholarships for LGBT and allied students. (Even though many straight children of LGBT parents consider themselves straight members of the LGBT community rather than “allies” per se, I assume they are eligible for many of these

Kids’ Poems, LGBT and Not

April is National Poetry Month, for no reason I can discern except that this glorious weather seems a perfect inspiration for writing poems. The Academy of American Poets site has everything you’d ever want to know about the celebration, but I’m going to share a couple of additional resources because we’re almost all parents and/or

Mud Songs from Erin Lee and Marci

Children’s musicians Erin Lee and Marci bring us the next of their regular posts with thematic recommendations for kid-friendly music, plus activities to make the songs an interactive experience for the whole family. Look for Erin Lee and Marci here on the first Monday of each month, or visit their homepage, www.gottaplay.org. I’ve created links

Weekly Political Roundup

Not news per se, but the Victory Fund has put together a nice video of LGBT women in politics. In a constitutional challenge to Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT), the Department of Justice filed a brief supporting the current DADT law. Several experts on DADT are claiming the Obama administration misrepresented their views in the

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 103

Helen and I celebrate our 17th anniversary this week and wonder how we made it. We also discuss a new way of thinking about kids and rules and try (perhaps in vain) to plan for when our child becomes a teen. Plus: a look at how parenthood changed Ricky Martin. Mombian: She Got Me Pregnant

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