President’s Mother’s Day Proclamation Includes Two-Mom Families

From the President’s Mother’s Day proclamation (my bold):

Whether adoptive, biological, or foster, mothers share an unbreakable bond with their children, and Americans of all ages and backgrounds owe them an immeasurable debt. Nurturing families come in many forms, and children may be raised by two parents, a single mother, two mothers, a step-mom, a grandmother, or a guardian. Mother’s Day gives us an opportunity to celebrate these extraordinary caretakers, mentors, and providers who have made us who we are.

So how about supporting these families by pushing harder for ENDA, DADT repeal, immigration equality, DOMA repeal, etc.?

Still, this may be only a proclamation, with no real effect, but it would have been a telling statement if he had left us out. I’m glad he didn’t.

Reaction from the ultra-right in 3, 2, 1 . . . .

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