May 2010

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Entertainment It’s a bonus entertainment week: Autostraddle has compiled a collection of celebrities with two moms. Brent Hartinger at After Elton discusses the increasing number of gay dads on television, and the increasingly varied ways they are forming their fictional families. Law & Order recently ran an episode featuring a lesbian heiress who adopted her […]

“Tango” Authors Discuss Their New Children’s Book

Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell, authors of the famed LGBT children’s book And Tango Makes Three (and gay dads themselves), were kind enough to answer some questions about their latest book, Christian, the Hugging Lion, about which I posted more yesterday. What attracted you to Christian’s story? Justin: First there was that extremely moving video.

Tango and Heather Authors Bring Us Two New Books

(Originally published as my Mombian newspaper column. Stay tuned for tomorrow when I’ll share Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell’s answers to a few questions about their new book. Click image to enlarge.) The authors of two of the most famous LGBT children’s books have two new books out this month. Neither work has an overt

LGBT Parenting Roundup: Mother’s (s’) Day Edition

Happy Mother’s Day or Mothers’ Day to all of you who proudly bear the title! Here’s some of what’s been happening in the world of LGBT parenting: Media Coverage The headline sounds promising: “More lesbian couples becoming moms.” C.W. Nevius’ article in SF Gate, however, begins and ends with sperm. Not that finding sperm is

President’s Mother’s Day Proclamation Includes Two-Mom Families

From the President’s Mother’s Day proclamation (my bold): Whether adoptive, biological, or foster, mothers share an unbreakable bond with their children, and Americans of all ages and backgrounds owe them an immeasurable debt. Nurturing families come in many forms, and children may be raised by two parents, a single mother, two mothers, a step-mom, a

Weekly Political Roundup

A U.S. District Court judge heard arguments in the first federal district court hearing to examine the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Political infighting continues in the House around Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Hawaii state representative Blake Oshiro, who brought the state’s civil union bill up for its latest vote, came out

New York Custody Ruling Not What It May Seem

New York’s highest court ruled this week in a custody case that gave a non-biological mom the right to seek custody and visitation of the child she and her former partner had created and raised together. Great, right? Yes, for that one mom. But the court said the non-biological mother only had that right because

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 105

I’m missing Helen, who is away on business this week, but I use it as an excuse to discuss being away from one’s kids. And because Mother’s Day is coming up, I review a bunch of books and videos about LGBT parenting that would make great gifts. (If the embedded video above doesn’t work for

Meanwhile, Over at . . .

As I’ve mentioned once or twice before, I’ve recently started writing for the Gay Rights section of, an “online hub for social change.” It gives me the chance to write about various LGBT issues not necessarily focused on parenting—though I may sometimes tackle parenting issues there as well. Here are a few of the

Mother’s (s’) Day Discussion Thread

I’ve given you my ideas. What are your ideas for Mother’s (s’) Day gifts, as either giver or receiver, if you qualify? And how do you feel about this whole Mother’s Day/Father’s Day distinction if you identify somewhere in between? Regardless of what or when you celebrate, what would you most like to have for

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