Gary and Tony Have a Study Guide: What Do You Think?

CNN’s hour-long profile of two gay dads, Gary and Tony Have a Baby, airs Thursday night at 8 p.m. ET.

In preparation, CNN has put together a study guide of “Before-Viewing Discussion Questions,” aimed at students in grade 11 and up. They include: “How would you define the traditional American family? Can you think of any examples of non-traditional families? What role, if any, do you think that these types of families play in American society?” and “In your opinion, what factors help shape people’s values? How do you think that values may influence relationships between people from diverse backgrounds?”

It seems like a pretty good set to me, but I’m wondering what the rest of you think, especially those who have led classroom discussions, workplace diversity training, and the like. Comments? Suggestions for teachers using the guide?

Trailer for the show after the jump.

1 thought on “Gary and Tony Have a Study Guide: What Do You Think?”

  1. It seems like a reasonable set of questions, but I can’t picture a typical high school or college class in biology, government, or civics (the target education areas according to the CNN site) having enough time in their schedule to devote two class periods (one to watch the film, one to discuss) to gay surrogacy. I could picture it in a college women’s studies/gender studies class, but that’s about it.

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