July 2010

Breaking: Huge Marriage Equality Victories

In two separate cases today, a federal judge in Massachusetts ruled that part of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional. In less than an hour, I’m sure, you won’t be able to swing a virtual cat in the LGBT blogosphere without hitting an article about this. To get you started, here’s Lisa Keen’s […]

“The Kids Are All Right”: The Perfect Lesbian Mom Date Movie

(The Kids Are All Right opens in select theaters tomorrow, and in wider release soon thereafter. My short review: Go see this film. My longer review, which first appeared in Bay Windows, is below.) I was a skeptic. When I first heard of The Kids Are All Right, a film about a pair of lesbian

What the New Lesbian Parenting Study Really Tells Us

I wrote a month ago about new results from the National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study (NLLFS) that showed the teen children of lesbian parents were happy, healthy, and in many cases better adjusted than their peers. The results spawned the usual spate of articles shouting that lesbian parents are better, or even implying that dads

How Marriage Bans Teach Children Marriage Isn’t Necessary

(Originally published as my Mombian newspaper column.) Parenting took center stage in the closing arguments of the Prop 8 case on June 16. Attorney Ted Olson, by most accounts, made a superb argument for marriage equality. There was one point he left out, however, that is worth exploring here. Attorney Charles Cooper, speaking for the

Weekly Political Roundup

A light news week before the U.S. holiday weekend: The Senate Judiciary Committee questioned Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan over Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, among other issues. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development issued new guidance for LGBT people facing housing discrimination. New York attorney general and gubernatorial candidate Andrew Cuomo (D) said

Less Is Paramour

A Tennessee court of appeals struck down a ruling that prohibited Angel Chandler’s same-sex partner of over 10 years from spending the night when Chandler’s two children from a previous relationship came to visit. Good news—although it’s unfortunate that this is in fact the second time the court has had to do this. Back in

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