Back to School, Back to Sleep

Eighty percent of American students in grades 6 through 12 aren’t getting enough sleep during the school year, according to research by the National Sleep Foundation, reports the LA Times. The paper also discusses the increasing number of schools starting classes later, especially for teens.

It’s about time, I say. I have never understood why high schools start later than elementary schools. Get the young kids into class early so the parents can go off to work, I say, and give the teens—who can take care of themselves in the morning anyway—more time to get the sleep they need at that age.

Of course, I may be biased because I’m an incurable night owl. (And near as I can tell, night owls are fated to fall in love with morning people. Some kind of cosmic balance—or cosmic joke. I’m not sure which.)

What are you most and least looking forward to if your kids are going (back) to school?

Photo credit: a2gemma

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